Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summary and Response #2

In Xinhua General News Service’s article “China vows to halt growing gender imbalance,” the author critiques the new disposition about abortion and test of sex. The Chinese government declares that if people try an abortion because they want to select the sex or use illegal sex testing, the government will punish them. That means medical institutions will be guarded from the government. One of the reasons is that Chinese people have an imbalance sex ratio. Moreover, the government said this imbalance would affect social balance. Then they are trying three ideas, which are assistance for people with girl-only families, people who marriage late, and people who bear children at an advanced age. However, the government said that we impose penalties on offender families too. They will keep looking for better family planning service. Moreover, they respect old people, and they will make better facilities for them. If young people misuse old people, they will be punished by government.

I agree with this author, because the author completely gets the Chinese population problems, and with accuracy suggests the answers; especially, I strongly agree with those three points, which are punishment for illegal testing, assistance for wider families, which means that in the past, the Chinese government helped just a few families, who had one boy child; however, they help other families, who have girl child too; and establishment of person of advanced age’s social disposition, because they treasure human rights. I think those ideas can help China in the future, because those ideas grasp the most important points faultlessly.

First, the Chinese government declares that they do not allow choosing sex through abortion, and control unborn baby gender testing, because the government does not want any more sexual imbalanced society. China has too many boys, because Chinese people have a limit such that usually people cannot have more than two children; however, people care about sex. China has imbalance sex; therefore, people have different opinions about it. Males and females do not have different on the human rights, so we must respect both.

Second, in the past, many people could not take help from the government; however, now they can get assistance, because the government moderated qualifications. They may not notice, but those qualifications have changed. However, they changed, because China has a new problem, which is imbalance sex. First, they wanted to decrease the berth rate, however, this action created a new problem, which was that people did not want to get the new girl baby. This assistance system can help many children. And this idea can emphasize human rights.

Finally, people must protect old people, especially. Many countries will became aging societies, however, we must not treat old people as obstacles, because they have human rights. Moreover, we must respect for them, because they tried hard to make a better world. We must admit their efforts. The Chinese government’s idea, which they establish better facilities, is a great idea.

In conclusion, many people argue whether the only child policy was good or bad; however, it is not very important, because it is just one of the many solutions, which means that China has other ways too. This article suggested the other ways. I strongly agree we should keep trying assistance, punishment, and a foundation of helping old people. Moreover, usually people suggest who will take responsibility; however, those articles see the future. I think it is one of the most important things. If we can forget about the future, those problems will become fixed easily; however, we must not forget the future, because our children will take over anything from us. We have to establish the future, which are those three subjects.


China vows to halt growing gender imbalance. (2007, January 22). Xinhua General
News Service. Retrieved July 15, 2007 from Lexis Nexis.

by Shota

Sunday, July 15, 2007

China population

In recent years, many countries have tried to control population, because those countries sometimes do not have enough money, food, or resources, so they notice population control; however, this action has a lot of problems too. I had an especially interesting time reading an article about China’s population. R-Saiget, in “Riots expose underside of China’s population control”, wrote that China used a special population strategy, which is family planning; however, this strategy created new problems. I will introduce this article.

This author tried to find the reason that, in China, people raised a revolt over the human rights abuse problem, from its only child policy. Baby trafficking was established as a new business in China, especially in the southern region, because they are poor people, which means they cannot raise babies easily. “Nicholas Becquelin, who is “Hong Kong-based research director of Human Rights Watch,” said the only child policy is one of the important factors. Usually, people who live in cities can have one child. If they live in the countryside and their first child is a girl, they can have a second child. However, most people want a boy child. Therefore, they check the child. If they have a girl child, some people abort. This action makes a strange condition, in which China has almost 40,000,000 more males than females. Moreover, this condition causes another factor too which is baby trafficking. They who are baby trafficking were used drug. After this affair, which was transitory, this principle was relaxed; however, this year this principle returned. The government wants to fix the population problem and finish the goal, which means people have a heavy handicap. Because of that, people have started start to rise in revolt against the rule. Because of those problems, the ratio for babies was 126 boys to 100 girls in Guangxi. The government intimidated the countryside people with this rule.

I think the China government should make recommendations, because if they keep giving too much strong pressure, the Chinese people will get very huge stress; moreover, the government hopes people will avoid big problems, so they made a population strategy; however, this action gave new problems. If the government cares for people, it does not have meaning. I strongly agree with this author’s opinions, which are that the only-child policy has a fault, and is not humanity action problems. Those problems are not just Chinese problems, which mean no one knows when we will get problems like those, so we must think about those problems. It is a starting line.

First, China has a special strategy about population, which is its only child policy, which means normally one family can make just one child; however, this conduct makes a very difficult problem too. It is especially out of balance in its average of boys and girls. Naturally, the percent by sex is 50/50; however, China is different, because China uses this policy; besides, they want to get boys. Therefore, many female children were aborted. As a result, this country is out of balance. This problem is very difficult, because this problem has its own lad result which means the government tries to fix huge population; however, the government must fix these problems for people.

Second, recently, China has had a strange event, which is that some girl children were killed, because in this country people can not get many children; however, they want to get a boy, so if they get a girl, sometimes they kill their own child, especially country people. Moreover, there is a new business, which is baby trafficking. They carry the girl babies. It is not humane. Of course they have lives. By the way, those actions rise up out of the unbalance; however, we must think about what the origin is. The origin is that the government started the only child policy. Many innocent girl children were killed, so we must stop now; therefore, we should think about what we can do.

Some people may argue that the only child policy is a success, because population growth is slower than before; however, they are wrong because they do not think about the future. In my country, Japan had a baby boom; however, the baby boom made one big problem, which is negative growth. Too many old people cannot get the pension, because Japan does not have many children. So sudden population changing usually makes big problems. We must guess about the future. If we will not guess, we will get big problems from our past action.

In conclusion, I can see the Chinese government try to fix those problems; however it is too much sudden action, which means that sudden decline in birth rate is very dangerous, because this action makes new problems. Moreover the only child policy is very dangerous too. If they keep this policy, their population will decline; however, it makes s horrible event and no humanity. It is a very difficult problem; however we must try to fix those problems; because many people are suffering and many girl children have been killed with the only child policy.

Saiget, R. (2007, May 27). Riots expose underside of China’s population control.
Retrieved July 12,2007 from Lexis Nexis

Monday, July 09, 2007

Best Family

My country, Japan, has some population problem, which is a declining birth rate problem, because they want to spend anything for few people; however, this action can make a big problem. Usually, people have a pension, plan, then after 60 years old, we get money; however, if the next generation has a declining birth rate problem, we cannot get the pension. On the other hand, this problem makes another problem, too; we may lose the succession of culture. So, we must think about what is the best family; however, I think this question’s answer depends on people, because each person has different ideas based on opinions, economic power, or cultures. My opinion is that the ideal family has four people who respect personal opinions and do not misunderstand what is loving support and what is stifling control.

First, usually, people have different ideas about ideal number for a family; however, if we think about many problems, the best family is four people, because this number can keep good balance. In the world, the earth has 6.6 billion people. This number makes a lot of problems, which include pollutions, starvation, and changing environment. This number limits us. On the other hand, four members mean parents who are father and mother, and two children. This family structure means that if all parents make two children, the next generation will have the same number of people in the world. So if we will do this action, which is make same number, they will not have heavier problems. Four people in the family can keep the population, and we can think about fixing those problems; then, this family style is best.

Second, respect is important about in all relationships but it is especially important among members of a family. We have personality before family; however, normally, families have to live together. So, we need to think about how we can live together smoothly. The answer is that members should respect the other members, because if they respect the other members, of course, they try to avoid many problems. What’s more, they can have the feeling of I wanting to help the other members. This feeling can make a good family. No one hopes for their family’s misfortune, so we should make the best family with respect.

Third, of course, parents wish children would have happiness; therefore, parents must not misunderstand what is loving support and what is stifling control. Usually, parents want to control their children from parent’s experience. Almost always, this action is justified, because parents have more experience than children; however, children are living different lives. Fundamentally, parents and children live different lives; that means we can compare those experiences. If children have their opinion, parents should wonder why their children said such ideas. On the other hand, children have to listen to parents’ opinion carefully, because parents love them then they teach many things. By the way, I never became a parent, so I do not know parents’ thinking; therefore, I noted what children wish for parents in this paragraph. Parents need to teach everything to children. It is very important and children feel love; however, parents should think about children’s opinions and think carefully.

Some people may argue that we should have just one child and rear him or her very carefully; however, they are wrong, because they just think about their child. We must think about the future, because I think it is part of being human. The other animals think about how they can save their posterity; however human is not same because human have reason. If we think just about our children, it is the same as the other animals. We must think about society, because only we can do that.

In conclusion, family is very a heavy thing; however, it is very fragile. Actually, many families have problems. We should try to make the best family. And we should not forget our lives, the next generation, or our reason. The best family is four people who can respect each other, and parents who can think about children’s opinion. If we try to make that family style, we can make the best family and the best world too; in addition, this action can help our posterity.

by Shota