Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Shota Watanabe
Summary Response #2

Many beautiful sea animals are tormented by garbage, because many people have a mask, which means that on the outside, they said we must worry about the ocean, however in their minds, they do not matter about that. The author of “Part 14: Plague of plastics-forever!”, Frosty Wooldridge, explains that plastic is the worst invention in human history, because 30 years ago, he dove into the ocean at the Caribbean. It was very beautiful. However, after 30 years, he dove again. He was surprised because many plastics had killed many sea animals and the sea environment. He explains much of his experience. After words, he quotes Alan Weisman, the author of “Polymers are forever,” which talks about the terror of plastics. This book discusses the fact that many animals were killed by plastics, the way plastics kill them, plastics with the Second World War, the diapers from plastics, the Hopis problem, and recovering and throwing away plastics. After that, he said that if clerk asks “paper or plastic bags?” you would answer, “I have a cotton bag”. He continues to say, “It is a start. Nature thanks you.”

I strongly agree this author’s opinion that is if we start to fix those problems, “Nature thanks you.” because we should not be despotic toward for the other animals.

First, many animals are affected by small environmental change; on the other hand, if it is a big environmental change, do you know what the animals do? Plastics ware a bad effect on all animals. However, people do no know what we did. We must know our guilt. In “PVC-The Poison Plastic” the author said, “The production of PVC powder involves the transport of dangerous explosive materials such as vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and the creation of toxic waste, notably ethylene dichloride (EDC) tars. Tar wastes in particular contain huge quantities of dioxins that are then incinerated or dumped, spreading dioxins into the wider environment. Previously these tar wastes were burned on ocean incineration vessels until a world wide ban was imposed in 1991 due to their toxic emissions and threat to the marine ecosystem. These wastes are now burned in land incinerators or dumped into deep wells.”(1997, para.7-8 ). This author said plastics are the most dangerous elements. We know that from chemistry. However, the problem of plastic has not stopped yet. Many animals are affected by our egoism, but we must not do that. We must stop the bad effects for every environment.

Second, the dangerous effects of plastics are not just for animals, they affect humans too. Plastic affects human in two ways. First, there effects come to the human indirectly. For example, people eat the fish. If this fish is affected by dioxin, those people’s body saves dioxin. That means dioxin concentration increases in the body. Another way is very directly. In “Trash in our Oceans--You Can Be Part of the Solution,” the author said, “Humans can also be directly affected by marine debris. Swimmers and divers can become entangled in abandoned netting and fishing lines like marine organisms. Beach users can be injured by stepping on broken glass, cans, needles or other litter. Appearance of debris, such as plastic, can also result in economic consequences. Floating debris, either as a floating slick or as dispersed items, is visually unappealing and can result in lost tourism revenues. New Jersey now spends $1,500,000 annually to clean up its beaches, and $40,000 to remove debris from the New York/New Jersey Harbor (YOTO Discussion Papers, 1998)” (2007, para.13). This author said plastic hurts the human body immediately. The ocean is a big part of human amusement. However, people hurt themselves by our plastic garbage. We must clean up an order to protect ourselves.

Third, too much plastic garbage has many bad effects; usually people think just animals eat plastic or plastic makes the dioxin. However it is not enough. In “Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment?” the author said, “But like candy wrappers, chewing gum, cigarette butts, and thousands of other pieces of junk, millions of the plastic bags end up as litter. Once in the environment, it takes months to hundreds of years for plastic bags to break down. As they decompose, tiny toxic bits seep into soils, lakes, rivers, and the oceans, said Cobb” (Roach, 2003, para.8). As this author said, we dump plastic garbage easily; but it is over million pound. The environment needs to spend a lot of time that become harmless, and the ocean absorbs small plastics. We must know this reality and we must fix this problem soon.
In recent years, plastic has made or lives more convenient. However, this revolution had a reverse effect. People exchanged convenient and the environment. As a result, we have made a lot of problems. Those problems are our responsibility. In
addition, we could trouble for many animals. We must recover the environment.

Wooldridge, F. (2007, May 11). Part 14: Plague of Plastics-forever!. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from

PVC-The Poison Plastic. (1997).Greenpeace Toxics Archive Site. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from

Trash in our Oceans—You can be Part of the Solution. (2007, March 15). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from

Roach, J. (2003, September 2). Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment? National Geographic. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from


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