Saturday, December 09, 2006

Writing class AE2-A
Shota watanabe

The author of “Paparazzi deny Diana charge” writes about the relationship between Princess Diana and paparazzi. Generally speaking, people think paparazzi were concerned that Princess Diana’s side clamed that paparazzi want to take pictures that are scoop, and then Diana’s car had an accident. In addition, paparazzo’s actions provoke people’s antipathy because they think paparazzi didn’t rescue Princess Diana; that action which didn’t have moral, bothered people. Car’s inside is privet private or not private; that creates a sensation. However, paparazzi asserted that we are just onlookers and we are still insisting on being not guilty. Moreover, Princess Diana’s driver Henri Paul was driving while drunk and speeding, which is helping the paparazzi. As a result, paparazzi are just working, so they are not guilty. Finally, paparazzo’s job is taking scoop pictures; then, sometimes they enter people’s private space, but it is very dangerous.

BBC news [2003, Oct, 24]. Paparazzi deny Diana charge. BBC news. Retrived on [2006, 11, 14 ]. From
here is "Paparazzi deny Diana charge"


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